Parent and Caregiver

Personal well-being is an important and often neglected part of being a great caregiver.

Parent and Caregiver

Personal well-being is an important and often neglected part of being a great caregiver.

It’s essential that we, parents and caregivers, attend to our own well-being in order to connect with and better support our little ones.

When we take even a few minutes to rest and refuel ourselves we are better able to be truly present and responsive to the children in our lives. Our children develop healthy habits that support physical and emotional wellbeing when they see us honor our own needs and model moments of self-care.

It’s essential that we, parents and caregivers, attend to our own well-being in order to connect with and better support our little ones.

When we take even a few minutes to rest and refuel ourselves we are better able to be truly present and responsive to the children in our lives. Our children develop healthy habits that support physical and emotional wellbeing when they see us honor our own needs and model moments of self-care.

Remember to R.E.S.T.


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Check in with yourself.

How has this day been for you so far?

Notice harsh, critical thoughts

and release them.

Treat yourself

with gentleness




Jayden 2 2.7 years Shanna and Rick Sullivan

Find pleasure in the ordinary,

the sweet sound

of your

child’s voice,

the delightful taste

of a

favorite treat.

(S)low Down

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Take a deep breath,

plant your feet firmly on floor


feel the ground

holding you.

(T)une In

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Take this moment to be truly present:

What do you see?

What sounds do you hear?

Any scents?

Can you feel the ground beneath your feet?

What do you imagine

your child is feeling

right now?


(T)une In

madison lavern 4gcqRf3 f2I unsplash

Take this moment to be truly present:

What do you see?

What sounds do you hear?

Any scents?

Can you feel the ground beneath your feet?

What do you imagine

your child is feeling

right now?


Put into Practice

Put into Practice

Take a moment a check in with yourself throughout the day.

Are you calm? Frustrated? Stressed? What do you need in this moment? It’s not uncommon for parents and caregivers to ignore their own needs in the midst of trying to care for babies and young children.

However, it’s the care of ourselves that best equips us to provide sensitive, responsive parenting.
However, it’s the care of ourselves that best equips us to provide sensitive, responsive parenting.